💸Buying crypto art

Learn how to buy crypto art

Buying crypto art for the first time can be quite intimidating. Follow these few steps below to be sure to do it the right way:

1.Buying cryptocurrencies

To acquire cryptocurrencies, you to create an account on an exchange or trading platform, such as Coinbase, Binance, Bitbuy or Crypto.com. For this step, we refer you to our detailed guide "Acquiring cryptocurrencies".

2.Creating a cryptocurrency wallet and funding it

In order to use your cryptocurrency to buy crypto art, you need to transfer them to a "non-custodial" wallet, such as Metamask. For this step, we refer you to our detailed guide "Setting up your wallet".

3.Selecting the crypto artwork you want to purchase

This is the fun part! It can also take a while. Make sure to evaluate your possibilities and refer to our guide "Valuing crypto art" to take an informed decision. You can also find more information on the different marketplaces in our guide "Understanding the differences between marketplaces".

4.Making an offer or purchasing it

Some marketplaces will offer "buy now" options, and others will offer auction mechanisms. See our detailed guide "Auction mechanism overview" for more information.

Last updated

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